Testing of the gas metering station of IGB near Stara Zagora has been completed successfully
The facility has been successfully tested, the pneumatic tests for strength and density have been successfully performed; on Bulgarian territory, the IGB pipeline is already successfully connected to the national gas transmission network of Bulgartransgaz
The construction activities for the completion of the Greece-Bulgaria interconnector are actively progressing, and the remaining elements for implementation are close to completion. The gas metering station near Stara Zagora will be fully completed in May.
The linear part of the IGB project is fully completed. In the first half of May, an in-pipe inspection was conducted along the entire length of the interconnector by means of an intelligent piston, and this process is used to further verify the quality performance of the pipeline.
The linear part is already registered by the Bulgarian State Agency for Metrology and Technical Supervision (SAMTS) and is about to be issued an act for initial inspection. Finishing works are still being carried out at the gas metering station near Stara Zagora, which is 94% complete. The equipment has successfully passed pneumatic tests, which certify its strength and density. The tests were performed at 1.3 times higher pressure than the normal during an actual operational phase, and no non-compliance with the requirements and standards was found.
Functional tests of the station are forthcoming, including with real quantities of natural gas – this is among the mandatory requirements before confirming the technical readiness of the facility for future operation. In June, this process will be repeated for the gas metering station near the Greek city of Komotini, where the construction implementation is also progressing. All efforts remain focused on achieving completion of the construction activities and implementation of the tests with real quantities of gas along the entire route of the pipeline as soon as possible, considering the growing need to ensure secure and diverse gas supply solutions for Bulgaria and the wider SEE region.
On Bulgarian territory, the IGB pipeline is already successfully connected to the national gas transmission network of Bulgartransgaz. The section from the connection point of the Bulgarian operator with the respective block valve of the interconnector is already filled with actual gas quantities.
For more information:
Diana Zaykova
Action Global Communications Bulgaria
+359 885 074 422
+359 885 614 131
Έργο IGB
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