Reference number: Р-22/12.06.2020
Initiation date: 12-06-2020
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Invitation to selected candidate
In this section
Reference number: Р-22/12.06.2020
Initiation date: 12-06-2020
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Invitation to selected candidate
Provision of public relations in connection with the activity of "ICGB" AD
Reference number:
Initiation date: 12-06-2020
Status: Submission of offers
Type of procedure: Solicitation of tenders
Tender documentation and samples
Reference number:
Initiation date: 12-06-2020
Status: Submission of offers
Type of procedure: Solicitation of tenders
Templates for technical and price proposal under Lot 1
Reference number: 9097876
Initiation date: 31-03-2020
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Solicitation of tenders
23-06-2020 Minutes of meeting No 2
26-05-2020 Minutes of meeting No 1 as of 26.05.2020
Feasibility study for compressor station on IGB pipeline
Reference number: 9081770
Initiation date: 11-10-2018
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Solicitation of tenders
Reference number: MR-01/09.10.2018
Initiation date: 09-10-2018
Status: Submission of offer
Type of procedure: Market Research
Deadline for submission: 13.11.2018, 17:30
Reference number: P-12/12.09.2018
Initiation date: 13-09-2018
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Invitation to selected candidate
Tender documentation and samplesReference number: Р-11-16.07.2018
Initiation date: 16-07-2018
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Invitation to selected candidate
Tender documentation and samples
Reference number: Р-08/08.02.2018
Initiation date: 08-02-2018
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Invitation to selected candidate
Reference number: 9070301
Initiation date: 14-11-2017
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Solicitation of tenders
Reference number: P-04/10.04.2017
Initiation date: 10-04-2017
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Invitation to selected candidate
Invitation for performing services
Reference number: 9062086
Initiation date: 07-03-2017
Status: Assigned
Type of procedure: Solicitation of tenders
Minutes of Meeting No. 1, 04.04.2017
IGB Project
Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria is co-financed by the European Union's
European Energy Programme for Recovery programme.
The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author.
The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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