Capacity Booking
ICGB offers available capacity through auctions for several capacity products.
Network users can book capacity through auctions held on the PRISMA and RBP capacity booking platforms.
- On the PRISMA platform will be conducted auctions for the interconnection points at Komotini with transmission system operators TAP and DESFA.
- On the RBP platform will be conducted auctions for the interconnection point at Stara Zagora with transmission system operator Bulgatransgaz and the exit point at Kardzhali.
Available capacity is offered according to the ENTSOG auction calendar.
In case the PRISMA or RBP platforms are unavailable, ICGB will allow capacity booking through the activation of the Backup capacity allocation procedure. In of case of following the Backup Capacity Allocation Procedure the Network Users must submit their bids according to the ICGB-approved form.
ICGB manages and offers available capacity on the following interconnections and off-take points:
- Interconnection point between ICGB and TAP systems: EIC CODE - 21Z000000000472E
- Interconnection point between ICGB and DESFA systems: EIC CODE - 21Z0000000005398
- Interconnection point between ICGB and BULGARTRANSGAZ systems: EIC CODE - 58Z-IP-00034-STZ
- Exit point to Distribution system operator at Kardzhali: EIC CODE - 58ZKARDZHALI-01P
IGB Project
Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria is co-financed by the European Union's
European Energy Programme for Recovery programme.
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