Operational Balancing Data
ICGB publishes operational balancing data regarding conditions for access to natural gas transmission networks, in accordance with Annex I, Section 3.5 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009.
ICGB publishes the amount of gas in the transmission system at the start of each gas day and the forecast amount of gas in the transmission system at the end of each gas day.
ICGB will also publish the aggregate imbalance position of all users at the start of each balancing period and the forecasted aggregated imbalance position of all users at the end of each gas day.
The Daily Imbalance Charge Calculation Methodology of ICGB is approved by the regulatory authorities of Greece and Bulgaria.
More information is explained in Section 16 of the ICGB Network Code.
IGB Project
Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria is co-financed by the European Union's
European Energy Programme for Recovery programme.
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