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Transparency Requirements

3.1.2 a)

A detailed and comprehensive description of the different services and their charges:

  • forward firm capacity
  • forward interruptible capacity
  • interpretable reverse capacity.

3.1.2 c) 4.

Procedure in the event of an interruption of interruptible capacity

ICGB Network Code

3.1.2 d)

Harmonised procedures applied when using the transmission system, including definitions of key terms

ICGB Network Code

3.1.2 f)

Rules applicable for capacity trade on the secondary market vis-à-vis the transmission system operator (TSO)

ICGB Network Code

3.1.2 h)

Flexibility and tolerance levels included in transportation and with additional charges

ICGB Network Code

3.1.2 i)

Detailed description of the gas system of the TSO and its relevant points of interconnection/names of the operators of the interconnected systems or facilities

IGB project

3.1.2 k)

Information on emergency mechanisms

3.1.2 m)

Description of the methodology and process used to calculate technical capacity

ICGB Network Code

3.3.(4), (5)

Capacities, nominations and renominations, actual physical flows, gross calorific values

3.3. (1) f)

Planned and actual interruptions

3.4 (1) u. (2)

Information on secondary trading

ICGB Network Code

3.4 (3)

Balancing services

ICGB Network Code

3.4 (4)

Further flexibility service of the TSO (not applicable)

IGB Project

Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria is co-financed by the European Union's
European Energy Programme for Recovery programme.

The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author.
The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Co-financed by the Europen Union, Europen Energy Programme for Recovery  European Regional Development Fund Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness


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