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Enhancing Livelihoods

Grievance Mechanism

ICGB builds a trusting and understanding relationship with all communities in the proximity of the Project from the initial design of the pipeline, through all construction activities and is committed to retaining this for all Project lifespans.  

The grievance mechanism established according to the highest international standards helps us to investigate and respond appropriately and to better understand and address any concerns of people affected by the pipeline. 

Dedicated grievance management representatives in both countries are responsible for receiving and processing grievances. These team members oversee the investigation of grievances and ensure that people affected are kept informed of progress while trying, when possible, to minimize the possibility of reoccurrence of the issues in check.

Community Engagement

ICGB has developed, following all national laws and regulations in combination with the highest international standards and the best practices applied worldwide, a "Social Impact Management Plan".  

Stakeholder interaction guidelines, mitigation measures, plans, and actions applied are described in detail and are available to the public. 

In parallel, representatives of ICGB, starting from the construction phase and continuing for all the years to come, will continue to stand by all communities in the proximity of the pipeline irrelevant of the level of impact by following and applying the SIMP. 

IGB Project

Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria is co-financed by the European Union's
European Energy Programme for Recovery programme.

The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author.
The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Co-financed by the Europen Union, Europen Energy Programme for Recovery  European Regional Development Fund Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness


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