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Local Landowners and Users

Livelihood Restoration Plan

The Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) has been developed in order to set up principles for addressing potential impacts occurring from the loss of livelihood within the realization of the Gas Interconnector Greece – Bulgaria Project and for the whole lifespan of the pipeline.

The main objectives of the LRP are:

  • To secure full compliance with both Bulgarian and Greek national legislation and the EIB standards
  • To secure fair compensation for land crops based on market value and paid upon the completion of construction activities in each particular construction plot. The compensation values will also unclose all transaction costs
  • To secure compensations for the Orphan land – portions of land plots that are rendered uneconomic due to the Project
  • To set a fair amount of compensation acceptable for the affected persons through fair market appraisals or negotiations
  • All affected persons will have access to Project Grievance Mechanism and access to justice
  • To ensure successful reinstatement of the temporarily used land during construction for the affected land users
  • To secure the effective monitoring of project affected persons impacted by temporary loss of land, assets, and economic means
  • To provide suitable means for livelihood assistance, particularly to households and communities experiencing direct land and harvest access impacts
  • Ensuring that project-related benefits like permanent employment, training, or other opportunities will apply to project-affected persons

Monitoring system

In order to secure the successful application of the above-mentioned objectives, ICGB has established an internal monitoring system consisting of the following

  • A set internal monitoring team comprised of representatives of ICGB's Community Liaison Officers in both host countries
  • Monitoring the livelihood restoration of each land plot for the period of three years after compensation is provided.
  • Maintaining case files containing initial livelihood information, as well as data obtained during monitoring in the Construction Phase.
  • Providing Livelihood Assistance beginning at construction and continuing for three years during operation by targeting the restoration if not improvement of the agricultural-based livelihood activities affected by the Project.

IGB Project

Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria is co-financed by the European Union's
European Energy Programme for Recovery programme.

The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author.
The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Co-financed by the Europen Union, Europen Energy Programme for Recovery  European Regional Development Fund Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness


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