ICGB will be auctioning available capacity on the IGB pipeline starting from gas day October 1st 2022
The Greece – Bulgaria interconnector begins operations with a total capacity of 3 bcm/y. About half of it – 1.57 bcm/y, have already been booked under long-term agreements reaching up to 25 years.
The remaining available capacity will be offered through auctions on two of the leading capacity booking platforms – PRISMA and RBP. ICGB has already signed contracts with both platforms and has been registered as a TSO.
All auctions will be performed according to the ENTSOG Auction Calendar as follows
For the interconnection point at Komotini between the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and the IGB pipeline, ICGB will be offering the following capacity products on PRISMA:
- Firm Forward Flow entry capacity
- Interruptible Reverse Flow exit capacity
For the interconnection point at Stara Zagora between the network of Bulgartransgaz and the IGB pipeline, ICGB will be offering the following capacity products on RBP:
- Firm Forward Flow exit capacity
- Interruptible Reverse Flow entry capacity
All interested parties are invited to register according to the procedure published on How to become a network user.
IGB Project
Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria is co-financed by the European Union's
European Energy Programme for Recovery programme.
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