ICGB’s #sustainability goals are embedded in its strategy, values and objectives
ICGB’s #sustainability goals are embedded in its strategy, values and objectives. The project company has various programmes and plans in place to address environmental, social and cultural dimensions. To embed these sustainability commitments into the everyday activities of #ICGB and its people, the company has developed a dynamic environmental, social management system (ESMS).
As evidence to ICGB's commitments and in accordance with the requirements of European Investment Bank, in week 42, the ESMS system was fully examined by third-party auditors from RSK Ltd. Although the #ESMS is quite young, its achievements for its short lifetime are remarkable and this was highlighted by the auditors as well. The management system will be continuously developed together with ICGB's partners AVAX S.A and CONSORTIUM "TIBEY" in order to achieve the project's aims to interact with the #environment and #society with the outmost respect and care, demonstrating ICGB's responsibility for people and the planet. Therefore, 5 more third-party audits will be conducted during the #construction phase and 4 during the operational phase, so stay tuned for more information.
IGB Project
Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria is co-financed by the European Union's
European Energy Programme for Recovery programme.
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