ICGB is now a member of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas – ENTSOG
The independent transmission operator ICGB, which is responsible for the commercial operation of the Greece-Bulgaria interconnector, is now a member of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas - ENTSOG.
The role of the European Network of Gas Transmission System Operators is to facilitate and improve cooperation between national gas transmission system operators (TSOs) in Europe, to ensure the development of a pan-European transmission system in line with the energy and climate goals of the European Union.
ICGB’s membership application was unanimously approved during the latest General Assembly of ENTSOG. A total of 43 transmission operators from the EU member states are members of the organization.
Among ENTSOG's commitments are the development of network codes for the market and system operation and development, which includes capacity allocation, network connectivity, and operational security. The organization provides regular information on gas supply and demand in the European market and delivers common operational tools to ensure network security and reliability.
ICGB has strict commitments for full transparency of its activity and is obliged to systematically provide public information on the quantities of natural gas transported through the Greece-Bulgaria interconnector. The information is available at any time on the ENTSOG online platform.
IGB Project
Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria is co-financed by the European Union's
European Energy Programme for Recovery programme.
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